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Commuting Tyres

You use your motorcycle/scooter for your job or for travelling to and from your place of work. Your vehicle feels the effects of life in the city: frequent stops at traffic lights, dodging other vehicles, damaged road surfaces… and you ride whatever the weather, all year round. Your tyres need to be hard-wearing and help you travel safely for as long as possible.

Off-Road Tyres

Cross, Enduro, Trial and Rally are all-terrain activities that require tyres with optimal grip and traction. MICHELIN offers a full range of competition tested tyres, suited to your needs and to every kind of terrain (sand, mixed, soft, hard...) you might encounter.

Tracks Tyres

Tried and tested on the racetrack, our range of track tyres are made using advanced technology that has withstood some of the most impressive circuits around. High performance tyres for added grip and total safety.

Adventure - All Terrain Tyres

A beautiful road, beautiful bends, beautiful sunshine, it's time to hit the road! With MICHELIN tyres, there's no need to choose between the ride of your life and a safe day out.

Retro - Vintage Tyres

For fans of vintage scooters and motorcycles, MICHELIN has designed a range of tyres with a decorative touch. Be sure to stand out from the crowd when you ride, with no compromise on stability and grip.

Touring Tyres

Looking for an adventure? Our tyres will follow you on your journey along smooth roads or off the beaten track in search of new experiences. Our aim: to provide you with tyres that last and can go anywhere with the highest level of comfort and total safety.

أنت تستخدم متصفح ويب غير مدعوم
أنت تستخدم متصفح موقع ويب لا يدعمه هذا الموقع الإلكتروني. وهذا يعني أن بعض الوظائف قد لا تعمل على النحو المقصود. قد يؤدي ذلك إلى ظهور سلوكيات غريبة عند التصفح. قم باستخدام أو ترقية/ تثبيت أحد المتصفحات التالية للاستفادة من هذا الموقع الإلكتروني بشكل كامل