لأننا نؤمن بتوفير أفضل الإطارات لك، تواصل ميشلان ابتكارها منذ 130 عامًا.
إطاراتنا تخضع للاختبار بانتظام من قبل جهات اختبار إطارات مستقلة مثل المجلات والمنظمات المهنية وفقًا لمعايير صارمة للغاية لتقييم جودتها.
حققت ميشلان أكثر من 60 فوزًا في اختبارات إطارات السيارات الأوروبية منذ عام 2015، وذلك بفضل الأداء العالي الذي تتمتع به إطاراتنا. حازت ميشلان على جائزة مجلة أوتو بيلد كـ "أفضل مصنع إطارات مناسبة لفصل الصيف للعام" لعام 2020 و "أفضل مصنع إطارات مناسب لفصل الشتاء للعام" لعام 2020.
في التصنيف التالي ستجد أفضل إطاراتنا المناسبة لفصل الصيف،والمناسبة لفصل الشتاء والمناسبة لجميع الفصول، وفقًا لفاحصي الإطارات المستقلين.
أفضل الإطارات المناسبة لفصل الصيف من ميشلان
- MICHELIN e.Primacy is rated “E-cars recommendation very good” by AMS (Auto Motor Sport) (comparative test of 10 tyres 255/45R20)
Best deceleration in the wet. Very low rolling resistance and quiet rolling noise. Easy to control tyre with safe understeer tendency
- MICHELIN Primacy 4 + is rated “Highly recommended” by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 13 summer tyres 205/55R16)
Excellent wet grip with very short wet braking and good wet handling, very high aquaplaning resistance, low noise, high levels of comfort, low rolling resistance.
- MICHELIN Primacy 4 + is rated “Good” by ADAC (comparative test of 50 summer tyres 205/55R16)
Very well balanced” ; Good on dry and wet roads ; Good environmental balance ; Very high mileage (best rating)
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 5 is rated “Highly recommended” by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 6 tyres 225/40R18)
The Michelin Pilot Sport 5 stood out for its durability, with the longest tread life among all tyres tested. It also maintained consistent performance across various conditions, offering good steering and a progressive understeer balance, and was the tyre with the lowest eco impact.
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 5 is rated “Exemplary” by Auto Bild (comparative test of 50 tyres 225/45R18)
Sports tyre with precise steering and very good driving dynamics, good aquaplaning reserves, short wet and dry braking distances
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 5 is rated “Highly recommended” by Auto Zeitung (comparative test of 19 tyres 235/35R19)
Enormous grip” on wet ; easily controllable, calm reactions” on wet ; Good dry braking properties ; Low rolling resistance
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 5 is rated “Exemplary” by Auto Bild Sportscars (comparative test of 13 tyres 225/40R18)
Top class sports tyre with dynamic handling qualities on both wet and dry tracks, agile and balanced handling, precise turn-in, very good safety reserves in aquaplaning, short wet braking distances, Good comfort, low rolling noise
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 5 is rated “Test winner” by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 9 tyres 225/45R17)
Excellent grip in the dry and wet, short braking distances in all conditions, the highest aquaplaning resistance of the test, good rolling resistance, good levels of comfort, extremely attractive sidewall design
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 SUV is test winner and rated "Exemplary” by Auto Bild Allrad (comparative test of 12 tyres 225/65R17)
Test winner with top driving characteristics on wet and dry roads, exemplary safety reserves in aquaplaning, precise steering response, good off-road capability, convincing rolling comfort
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 SUV is rated “Very good” by AMS (Auto Motor Sport) (comparative test of 10 tyres 255/45 R20)
Good aquaplaning protection. Outstanding rolling comfort and very quiet interior noise.
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 SUV is test winner and rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild Allrad (comparative test of 10 summer tyres 255/55R18)
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 S is rated "Very Good" by Sportauto (comparative test of 11 tyres 225/40R18)
Good wet braking, brilliant aquaplaning protection. Strong braking, great precision and very low load change sensitivity on dry roads.
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 S is test winner and rated “Exemplary” by Auto Bild (comparative test of 15 tyres 235/35ZR19)
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 S is winner of the test and rated "Very Good" by Sport Auto (comparative test of 8 summer sport tyres 255/35ZR19 - 275/35ZR19)
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 S is rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild Sportscars (comparative test of 9 summer sport tyres 265/35ZR20)
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 S is winner of the EVO tyre test (comparative test of 7 summer sport tyres 235/35 ZR19)
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 S is rated "Very good" by Sportauto (comparative test of 2 sport tyres 245/35R19)
- MICHELIN Pilot Sport 4 S is winner of the test and rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild sportscars (comparative test of 9 summer sport tyres 245/35ZR19 – 265/35ZR19)
أفضل الإطارات المناسبة لفصل الشتاء من ميشلان
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is rated “Good” by ADAC (comparative test of 16 winter tyres 225/45R17 ; 16 winter tyres 205/60R16)
Precise and safe performance at the limit on dry roads ; overall still safe properties on wet roads ; very high estimated mileage ; low weight ; low fuel consumption
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is rated “Highly recommended” by Auto Zeitung (comparative test of 8 winter tyres 225/45R17)
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is rated “Good” by ADAC (comparative test of 16 winter tyres 185/65R16 ; 17 winter tyres 216/60R16)
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is test winner by Auto Bild (comparative test of 56 winter tyres 215/55R17)
“Test winner with convincing performance in all weather conditions, precise steering response, sporty and dynamic handling, high mileage (Auto Bild)
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild (comparative test of 50 winter tyres 205/55R16)
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is rated "Good" by ADAC (comparative test of 18 winter tyres 225/50R17 ; 16 winter tyres 195/65R15)
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is rated "Good" by Auto Motor Sport (comparative test of 10 winter tyres 195/55R16)
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is rated "Good" by ADAC (comparative test of 15 winter tyres 205/55R16)
- MICHELIN Alpin 6 is rated "very good" by Auto Motor Sport (comparative test of 10 winter tyres 225/50 R17)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is test winner and rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild Sportscars (comparative test of 11 winter tyres 225/40R18)
Winter tyre with convincing performance on ice and snow, dynamic wet and dry handling, direct steering response, short dry braking distances, quiet rolling noise
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is rated "Very good" by Sportauto (comparative test of 10 winter tyres 225/40R18)
Clear steering feedback in snow. Precise, balanced wet handling
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is test winner and rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild (comparative test of 54 winter tyres 225/45R18)
Test winner with top performance on ice and snow, precise handling on wet and dry roads, Good mileage
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is winner of the test by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 11 tyres 225/45R18)
Best in dry braking and dry handlings, extremely good in the wet, best tyre overall in the snow, highest levels of comfort.
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is rated "Good" by Auto Bild Sportscars (comparative test of 9 winter tyres 245/40R19)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is test winner and rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild Allrad (comparative test of 10 winter tyres 245/45R19)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is test winner and rated "Very good" by AMS (Auto Motor Sport) (comparative test of 8 winter tyres 245/45R19)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is test winner and rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild Sportscars (comparative test of 12 winter tyres 225/45R18 - 245/40R18)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is test winner and rated "Very good" by Sportauto (comparative test of 6 winter tyres 255/40R18)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is test winner by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 9 winter tyres 225/40R18)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild Sportscars (comparative test of 12 winter tyres 225/40R18)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is rated "Good" by Sportauto (comparative test of 13 winter tyres 235/55R17)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 is test winner and rated "Eco Master" (comparative test of 51 winter tyres 245/45R18)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 SUV is test winner and rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild Allrad (comparative test of 10 winter tyres 225/60R18)
Snow specialist with excellent handling qualities in all weather conditions, precise steering with good feedback, pleasantly quiet rolling comfort ”
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 SUV is rated "Highly recommended" by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 9 winter tyres 235/60R18)
Very good in the dry, best wet braking on test with good wet handling, best in the snow overall, lowest noise and highest levels of comfort.
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 SUV is rated "Very good" by AMS (Auto Motor Sport) (comparative test of 7 winter tyres 255/40R20)
Very good traction, lateral control and braking performance on snow. Good wet grip and aquaplaning resistance. Stable, precise, safe and comfortable on dry roads.
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 SUV is test Winner by Auto Bild allrad (comparative test on 10 winter tyres 235/55R18)
- MICHELIN Pilot Alpin 5 SUV is rated "Highly Recommended" by Auto Zeitung (comparative test on 10 winter tyres 235/55R18)
أفضل الإطارات المناسبة لجميع الفصول من ميشلان
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 is rated "Highly Recommended" and "Fuel Saving Recommendation" by Auto Zeitung (comparative test on 9 tyres 215/55R17)
Top performance in snow and dry conditions outweighs the moderate wet result - second place. Rides particularly efficiently thanks to the low rolling resistance.
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 is test winner and rated "Green tyre" by Auto Bild (comparative test on 35 tyres 225/45R17)
Test winner with excellent driving characteristics on snow and ice, dynamic dry handling, good aquaplaning qualities, precise turn-in behaviour, very good mileage
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 is test winner by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 10 tyres 195/65R15)
Test winner, best in dry braking, very good grip in the dry, very good aquaplaning resistance, best snow braking, best snow traction, fastest snow handling lap, very good levels of comfort, very low rolling resistance
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 is test winner and rated 'Exemplary" by Auto Bild Reisemobil (comparative test of 12 tyres 235/55R17)
Winter specialist with safe driving characteristics in all weather conditions, impressive qualities on ice and snow, very good safety reserves in aquaplaning, precise steering response with good feedback, short dry braking distances, fuel-saving rolling resistance
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 is test winner by Sportauto (comparative test of 6 tyres 235/35R19)
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 is test winner by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 10 tyres 225/45R17)
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 is test winner by TYRE REVIEWS (comparative test of 9 tyres 205/55R16)
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 is rated "Good" by Auto Bild Allrad (comparative test of 10 tyres 215/65R17)
- MICHELIN CrossClimate 2 SUV is test winner and rated "Exemplary" by Auto Bild Allrad (comparative test of 10 tyres 235/65R17)
All-round talent with balanced performance potential, convincing winter and dry performance very good aquaplaning reserves
للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، يمكنك الاطلاع على مقالتنا حول أفضل الإطارات المناسبة لجميع الفصول من ميشلان.
مختبرو الإطارات المستقلون : ما هي معايير الجودة التي يجب توفرها في الإطار لاعتباره الأفضل؟

يتم اختبار إطارات مناسبة لفصل الشتاء، وإطارات مناسبة لفصل الصيف وإطارات لكل الفصول على أساس عدة معايير من قبل منظمات ومجلات مستقلة مثل نادي السيارات الألماني العام (ADAC) و أوتو بيلد وأوتو موتور سبورت، بالإضافة إلى إجراء العديد من الاختبارات الأخرى كل عام.
تختلف معايير الاختبار وفقًا للجهات التي تقوم بالاختبار ونوع الإطار المختار.
بناءً على نوع الإطار، يتم تحديد مقياس لتقييم الإطار في الظروف المختلفة (الطرق الثلجية، والطرق الجافة ، والطرق الرطبة، إلخ) والأداء وفقًا للاستخدام الشائع لهذا النوع من الإطارات وتوقعات المستهلكين.
وللحصول على نتائج أكثر موضوعية واستقلالية، تجري هذه المنظمات جميع هذه الاختبارات باستخدام إطارات يتم شراؤها من السوق، مع سائقين محترفين، وفي ظروف جوية مستقرة، وباستخدام نفس السيارة، ونفس المنهجية، وعلى نفس المضمار، وفي نفس اليوم. وذلك بهدف الحد قدر الإمكان من التأثيرات الخارجية على النتائج.
تتم مراقبة ظروف الاختبار وتوحيدها.
يتم اختبار الإطارات المرجعية وإعادة اختبارها قبل وبعد كل سلسلة لضمان ثبات النتائج في ظل هذه الظروف.
المعايير الرئيسية لاختبار الإطارات
- على الطريق الجاف: الكبح، والتحكم، ووقت الدورة، وتغيير الحارة
- على الطريق المبتل: الميل والتحكم، ووقت الدورة، والثبات الجانبي، الانزلاق المائي المستقيم، والانزلاق المائي المنحني
- على الطريق الثلجي: الكبح، والتحكم، ووقت الدورة، والتسارع
- على الطريق الجليدي: الكبح، والتحكم، ووقت الدورة، والتسارع
- الطرق الوعرة: وقت الدورة أو قوة الجر على الحصى أو الرمل أو الطين أو العشب
ويتم تقييم معايير هامة أخرى، مثل:
- مقاومة الدحرجة
- استهلاك الوقود
- الضوضاء الداخلية
- الضوضاء الخارجية
- الراحة
- العمر التشغيلي
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